Innovative Products for the Welding Industry

Translas as the Netherlands’ sole manufacturer of welding torches and has nearly 60 year’s experience in the development and production of articles for the welding process Translas markets its products under the brand names Translas and 4CE Force via a selective dealer network in more than 40 countries. Translas is a flexible organization with its own marketing, sales, production and distribution facilities and which plays a pioneering role in the development of innovative products The company focuses at all times on high product quality, contemporary design and high reliability of supply. The products are developed and manufactured at the location in Nieuwegein.

The company is founded by Mr. John Boer in 1960
1960s - 1970s
Eric J. Boer, joins the company

The company decides to make a switch.
Translas Midden Nederland BV merges with Translas Production BV

Jeroen G. Boer joins the family business as well and founds TipWorks BV
Mr. John Boer retires

Translas Production BV and Tipworks BV combine to pave the way for Translas TipWorks BV.

Translas 1960 – 1970
Episode One

Translas 1970 – 1980
Episode Two

Translas 1980 – 1990
Episode Three

Translas 1990 – 2000
Episode Four